Dr. Guerrasio has personally worked with ~800 learners, now competent to practice medicine.
Dr. Guerrasio is NOT providing Grand Rounds, lectures, workshops, faculty development courses and case conferences at this time.
She is no long available to speak or facilitate workshops due to the demands of her clinical practice. Please see her books for more information on remediation.
Available at: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=jeannette+guerrasio&ref=nb_sb_noss_2
Remediation Case Studies: Helping Struggling Medical Learners is the latest book in a series that addresses the educational needs of struggling medical learners. It is an edited text comprised of 24 cases submitted by contributors from all around the world. MD, DO, PA and OD faculty leaders in remediation submitted cases of individual learners along with their (mostly successful) remediation plans and outcomes. The editor provided insightful comments throughout each case and summarizes lessons learned at the end.
National BEST SELLER in Remedial Medical Teaching!
This well-organized and insightful book is filled with real-life examples of how to identify, diagnose, and help underperforming medical learners. The second edition includes new teaching techniques using evidence-based approaches, information on the legal consequences of remediation and changes in academic status, how to support learners and teachers experiencing burn-out, how to teach struggling learners to accept feedback, and the importance of prevention. For those who teach at all levels of medical training, from students through practicing medical professionals.
Special Features:
1. The text was written to be practical, direct, and user-friendly to the medical reader, and others working in the field.
2. The text is supported by brief examples and more extensive case examples.
3. Key points and summaries are highlighted in tables and easy to read graphs.
4. Self-assessment cases and questions are provided throughout the text, with answers and explanations to give the reader an opportunity to apply the concepts provided.
BOOK AVAILABLE AT Amazon.com: https://www.amazon.com/Remediation-Struggling-Medical-Jeannette-Guerrasio/dp/069298870X/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=guerrasio&qid=1629656226&sr=8-1
1. Dr. Guerrasio measures her own success as a teacher by the accomplishments of her struggling learners.
2. Her goal is to see that every learner achieves his or her maximum potential.
3. Dr. Guerrasio believes that the best methods for teaching include role modeling, developing a unique set of teaching skills, flexibility in teaching to different learning styles, dedicated time, mentoring, and fostering resilience.
CVFull2021 (doc)
DownloadDr. Guerrasio would like to acknowledge that the success achieved would not have been possible without an amazing team:
Eva Aagaard, MD, Maureen Garrity, PhD, Carol Rumack, MD,
Terry Blevins, EdD, Carol Lay, EdD, Adina Kalet, MD, MPH, Karen Warburton, MD, Carmella Nogar, PA, Laura Rosenthal, DNP, Kim Mohn, MD & AHME